Obama officials pledge to stem immigration tide

WASHINGTON (AP) — Obama administration officials defended their response to the immigration crisis on the Southwest border Wednesday and pledged to get control of the flood of unaccompanied children arriving from Central America.

“We believe we will stem this tide,” the officials said in a joint statement prepared for a Senate hearing.

Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Craig Fugate, Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Thomas Winkowski appeared before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee a day after President Barack Obama asked Congress for $3.7 billion in emergency spending to deal with the crisis.

The officials were expected to face questions on the request, which is encountering some resistance from Republicans who believe more wholesale changes are needed. Democrats seem generally receptive to the spending, which would go for more immigration judges, detention facilities, and deterrence efforts, though some say it should focus more on helping the kids than on enforcement.

For President Barack Obama, the humanitarian crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border is increasingly becoming a political liability, giving Republicans a fresh opportunity to question his administration’s competence and complicating the debate over the nation’s fractured immigration laws.

But the president has resisted calls to visit the border during his fundraising trip to Texas on Wednesday. Instead, Obama plans to meet in Dallas with faith leaders and Texas officials, including Republican Gov. Rick Perry. Obama’s decision to skip a border visit is likely to provide more fodder for the Republicans and the handful of Democrats who say the president hasn’t responded quickly and forcefully enough to the mounting crisis.

Perry, a possible GOP presidential candidate in 2016, has been scathing in his criticism of Obama, saying the White House has failed to respond to his repeated warnings about a flood of minors at the border. But Obama spokesman Josh Earnest said the White House wasn’t worried about the optics of the president traveling to Texas without visiting the border. Officials also pointed to Obama’s request to Congress on Tuesday for additional resources at the border as a sign of the president’s engagement in the crisis.

The officials testifying at Wednesday’s congressional hearing didn’t address the spending request in prepared testimony but outlined steps the administration already is taking to get a handle on the crisis, from aiming to increase detention space to working with governments in the region.

The children are coming mostly from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, many fleeing cartel violence but also hearing rumors, sometimes from smugglers, that once they arrive in the U.S. they would be allowed to stay. More than 50,000 have arrived already since fall, a number that’s expected to rise to 90,000 by the end of this fiscal year. Thousands of families also are coming.

The unexpected immigration spike is overwhelming immigration courts and holding facilities in the Southwest and turning into a major political crisis for the Obama administration.

Source Article from http://news.yahoo.com/obama-officials-pledge-stem-immigration-tide-141631954–politics.html
Obama officials pledge to stem immigration tide
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EU immigration into Switzerland hit record high before voter backlash

BERNE (Reuters) – More immigrants from the European Union entered Switzerland than ever before in 2013, the year before Swiss voters put their country at odds with Brussels by backing a cap on immigration from the bloc.

A net 66,200 EU citizens emigrated to Switzerland last year, the highest number since a free movement of people pact came into force in 2002, the State Secretariat for Economics (SECO) said in its annual report which examines the effect of the agreement on the Swiss economy.

The SECO figures pre-date February’s surprise vote in favour of imposing tighter immigration controls following a campaign which tapped into fears that Swiss culture is being eroded by foreigners, who account for nearly a quarter of the population.

Switzerland said last month it would introduce immigration quotas for EU citizens from 2017, sparking a sharp reaction from the European Union which dismissed the plans as incompatible with the pact that guarantees the free movement of workers.

The SECO report said limits on immigration, given Switzerland’s current economic and demographic conditions, could have negative repercussions on the country’s growth potential and labour market, while the department’s director praised the impact of the free-movement pact.

“Whatever its fate may be, the current free movement of people agreement has strengthened the competitiveness of businesses in Switzerland and has enabled the Swiss economy to post above-average growth in recent years,” SECO Director Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch told journalists in Berne.

More than 60 percent of the European immigrants came to Switzerland to work, the SECO said. When immigration from non-EU countries is included the net figure stood at 88,000 people, it said.

Since the financial crisis in 2008 the number of workers coming from southern and eastern European member states has increased, the report also found. In the early years of the free-movement pact, the immigration balance was characterised by Germans coming into the country.

The immigration initiative, which passed by fewer than 20,000 votes, has deeply unsettled the Swiss business establishment and the SECO report found net immigration is closely linked to Switzerland’s economic growth.

Georg Lutz, political science professor at the University of Lausanne, said Switzerland’s need for workers from abroad was nothing new and would continue for the foreseeable future.

“Switzerland has been an immigration country for the last 50 years roughly,” Lutz said. “If you look at the demographics, Switzerland will need immigrants to keep the economy going.”

The EU intake in 2013 represented around 0.8 percent of Switzerland’s roughly 8.1 million population.

According to figure from the Federal Department for Statistics, the number of foreign residents has risen by just over 30 percent since 2002. The increase in Swiss residents over the same period is a little more than 6 percent.

Lutz said he was convinced the government would find a solution to the immigration question that would not do too much harm to the Swiss economy and that women could be a solution to any resulting skills shortage.

He said: “There is still a huge drop-out rate, compared to other countries, for women from the work force when they have children.”

(Reporting by Alice Baghdjian and Joshua Franklin in Zurich; Editing by Toby Chopra)

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Obama’s Dream Act Dooms Immigration Reform

My pick for quote of the month: “I’m going to keep doing everything I can do to keep making our immigration system smarter and more efficient.” Thus spoke President Obama at a Fourth of July event celebrating several naturalized citizens.  

Seriously, as thousands of unaccompanied children swarm our border, lured by the promise of Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program, aka the “Dream Act,” the president thinks he has made our immigration mess smarter – and more efficient.  

It sure doesn’t seem smarter to have an expected influx this year of 60,000 to 80,000 children alarming the nation about our porous border and deportation process – especially if you’re hoping to reform our immigration laws. GOP hardliners have long insisted that a secure border is step number one to any long-term fix. 

Related: Obama Attacked By Both Sides on Border Crisis 

It doesn’t seem efficient to have exactly one facility in the entire country set up to house families – a detention center in Pennsylvania that can accommodate about 100 people. It doesn’t seem smart or efficient that most of the youngsters, and the adults traveling with them, will recede into the shadows as their court dates are postponed year after year. 

This is a mess, and President Obama is to blame. Don’t take my word for it – Joe Biden blew his boss’ cover on his recent trip to Central America. He tried to turn around the prevailing narrative by emphasizing, “Children and adults arriving with their children (in the U.S.) are not eligible to benefit from the passage of immigration reform legislation or from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process.”

That’s not how The New York Times sees it. The paper is in full defense mode, blaming the William Wilburforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 for the sudden surge in illegal minors. Most Americans have never heard of Mr. Wilburforce, much less his bill. It was passed with almost no notice in the final year of the George W. Bush presidency, but The Times imagines that this obscure bit of legalese has lit up the blogosphere in Central America.

The paper envisions parents south of our border studying the legislation for six years, consulting their lawyers and then deciding yes, this particular bill will protect my child as I send him alone into a foreign land. What a truly ludicrous idea.

Related: A Long Wait at the Back of the Immigration Line

The Times is carrying on their stalwart tradition of absolving President Obama from the many disasters growing up like weeds around the White House (and blaming Bush). For the record, it should be noted that the 2008 bill was a re-authorization of a bill originally passed in 2000, before GWB took office.

That bill was meant mainly to protect women and children who were victims of sex trafficking, but it began the process of giving asylum to illegals under 18 years of age. It directed the federal government to extend benefits to trafficking victims – and specifically to minors – “without regard to the immigration status” of such unfortunates. Thus, the process began.

The accelerant on this raging fire came from Obama’s “Dream Act,” initiated just months before the 2012 election, in response to his sinking popularity with Hispanics. Obama’s executive action temporarily suspended the deportation of illegal minors who had been brought to the United States as children, and who had met certain other requirements.

The young people who qualified were granted a two-year renewable reprieve from deportation; in effect, they were free to stay in the U.S. Because it was an election-year gambit, and because it might affect 1.4 million people, the move attracted significant notice. Here — and south of the border. 

Related: Obama Tries to Reform Immigration on His Own, Bypassing Congress 

That was good news for Obama, whose approval ratings from the Hispanic community had sunk to 53 percent in 2011, threatening the turnout of a core voting block. Because of the Dream effort, and energetic courting (and a pitiful wooing effort on the part of Mitt Romney), Obama regained his footing, capturing 71 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2012, compared to 27 percent for Mr. Romney. 

President Obama’s standing with Hispanics has again tanked; it is now at 44 percent – below those 2011 lows. It can’t help that the White House looks completely flummoxed by the turmoil at the border as it lurches from one policy fix to the next. Most recently, the Obama administration backed off a proposed law change that could have permitted swifter deportation of the children coming across the U.S. border – a plan launched only last week. The initiative, meant to deter those seeking a safe haven for their children, was slammed by immigrants-rights groups. A new plan, requesting $3.7 billion, of which $1.8 will go to new detention centers, is unlikely to win much favor either. 

The president is now in a pickle. As he heads to Texas for yet another fund-raising tour, critics are encouraging him to visit the border, to get a first-hand look at what he has called an “urgent humanitarian challenge.” The White House has refused this request (issued by Texas Governor Perry, among others), rightly imagining that Obama surrounded by hundreds of desperate and pleading youngsters — or locals incensed by the tumult — might not be the perfect photo-op just months before yet another election. 

At the last minute, he has agreed to a meeting with “faith leaders” in Dallas; lest you think otherwise, a White House spokesperson has affirmed that Mr. Obama is “very aware of the situation that exists on the southwest border.”  What small comfort – to our border communities and to the children lost in our immigration maze. And, to those who actually hope for immigration reform, which is being dealt a heavy, if not fatal, blow. 

Top Reads from The Fiscal Times:


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Could the immigration crisis be Rick Perry's second act?

(CNN) — Two years removed from his disastrous 2012 presidential bid, Rick Perry is fully recovered from back surgery, sporting new glasses, reengaging with the Republican conservative base, and showing signs that he’s considering another run for the White House.

Immigration policy helped sink the Texas governor’s previous bid, but it has now put him back in the spotlight. He’s scheduled to meet on Wednesday with President Barack Obama, who’s under fire over the surge of undocumented minors on the southern border.

Obama accepted Perry’s offer for a sit-down following a sharp exchange with the White House. Last week, White House spokesman Josh Earnest mocked his message on immigration, saying “the truth is it’s hard to take seriously Governor Perry’s concerns.”

Obama agrees to meet with Gov. Perry

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Immigration in 75 seconds

Perry points to his state’s long border with Mexico as ground zero for the crush of mostly children entering the United States illegally.

“My message to President Obama is to secure this border, Mr. President. Finally address this issue and secure this border,” Perry said last week at a congressional hearing near the border in McAllen, Texas.

But he may have disappointed fellow conservatives when he said that he was “tired of pointing fingers and blaming people.” He added, “I hope what we can do is come up with some solutions here.”

Perry used more muscular language days later when he said, “this is a failure of diplomacy. It is a failure of leadership from the administration in Washington, D.C.”

Jeff Miller, a senior Perry political adviser, told CNN that Perry “is not saying anything different than what he’s being advocating since 2010 — that ‘we’ve got to secure this border. There’s a crisis going on.’”

Obama wants $3.7 billion for immigration crisis

But Miller said the current crisis is giving Perry a larger platform.

“Right now, because of the huge influx of these children crossing the border from Mexico, the media’s paying more attention and more of the public is seeing the crisis the governor has been dealing with for years. Not a lot has changed, but now more people are listening to what the governor’s saying,” Miller said.

Immigration helped sink Perry in 2012

While a real front-burner issue in his state, Perry is also seeing political stars align. Immigration was the issue that damaged him more than any other when he ran for president last time, people close to him say.

Perry to Obama: visit the border

Gov. Perry: Immigrants told what to say

Gov. Perry on controversial gay comments

Perry launched his presidential campaign in August 2011, months after former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and the rest of the field of candidates had jumped in.

Perry entered with lots of buzz and armed with big bucks and big name backers, and he quickly soared in national polls. But good times were fleeting, as Perry soon ran headfirst into Romney on illegal immigration.

In a debate a month later, Perry defended his support for government-funded tuition at state schools for undocumented immigrants. He argued that if you didn’t support such a move, “I don’t think you have a heart.”

But some of his Republican rivals considered that soft.

“Governor Perry, you say you have got the experience. It’s a bit like saying that, you know, the college coach that has lost 40 games in a row has the experience to go to the NFL,” said Romney at another debate.

Rick Perry’s busy summer

“The truth is, California — I’ll say it again, California and Florida have both had no increase in illegal immigration and yours is up 60 percent.” Romney added.

Sources close to Perry tell CNN they believe that moment did more to hurt Perry with GOP primary voters than any other.

Still, Perry suffered a more memorable blow with an epic gaffe in a November 2011 debate, when he forgot the third of three federal government departments that he had said he would eliminate.

Perry’s campaign limped on, but he called it quits after a disappointing fourth in the Iowa caucuses and fifth in the New Hampshire primary.

Political resurrection?

Fast forward two years.

Perry decides not to run for re-election and is again making his pitch to conservative voters.

Strickland on immigration: ‘We’ve got a crisis’

Congress spars over immigration

Who’s to blame for immigration crisis?

Dems face immigration dilemma

“I have a simple suggestion — It is time for a little rebellion on the battlefield of ideas,” Perry told the base at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference.

And Perry’s summer travel plans hint toward a 2016 bid.

He recently made his third trip over the past year to South Carolina — the state the holds the first southern primary. The visit to the Palmetto State precedes upcoming stops this summer in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Perry even hosted a group of more than a dozen key New Hampshire Republicans at the Governor’s Mansion in Austin a few weeks ago to wine and dine them, CNN is told.

When he goes to the Granite State next month, it will be his first trip there since 2012, when he failed to make much of an impression at all on voters there.

A veteran New Hampshire Republican ally setting up New Hampshire meetings tells CNN they are consciously doing things differently this time. They’re opting for a manner more conducive to the way New Hampshire voters like to be approached, in a series of small, intimate meetings.

But the tactical shortcomings from 2012 is not the only thing he’s trying to improve ahead of another possible candidacy — it’s also his readiness on a policy level.

Perry urges Congress, Obama to work together on border security

Perry sources admit that he simply wasn’t up to speed on many of the key issues that confront a candidate, never mind a president.

To overcome that, he now has multiple policy briefings a week, every week on issues ranging from economic policy, to education, to the environment to national security.

One source tells CNN that if he is traveling and there is a think tank nearby, he will make a point of stopping for a briefing from experts.

Perry has also been trying to do more international travel, attending the highbrow annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, going to Israel, and planning a trip later this year to China.

But it’s firestorm over immigration that may give Perry his biggest opportunity for political resurrection.

Miller downplayed any impact from the current immigration crisis on a potential 2016 bid, saying “to me these are two completely separate issues.”

But GOP analyst Ana Navarro, a CNN contributor who’s close to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, another possible 2016 GOP presidential contender, said “Perry embodies an interesting dynamic regarding immigration.

“He’s a border enforcement guy with the experience of being a border state governor, but he’s also shown compassion towards the human angle of the immigration debate,” she said.

Navarro added that “If he can somehow walk that tight rope, and be eloquent as to how he defends his position, it can show him as a pragmatist and be helpful.”

Reality check: 5 things you need to know about immigration crisis

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Source Article from http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/08/politics/immigration-rick-perry-rebirth/index.html
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Immigration protesters gather in Murrieta but buses go elsewhere

Dozens of protesters gathered Monday in Murrieta to challenge the expected arrival of buses carrying detained immigrants to a Border Patrol station in the Inland Empire city.

But protesters waited in vain as the buses they thought would head their way instead traveled to a Border Patrol facility in San Ysidro, in San Diego County.

Federal officials did not say whether the buses were redirected to San Ysidro, or were designated to go there all along.

Still, organizers said Monday’s turnout — though smaller than on previous days — helped accomplish their goals.

“This is a win for this battle, but not a complete victory,” said Douglas Gibbs, who has helped to organize local protesters in Murrieta for the last two weeks.

The immigrants being transported Monday had been detained in south Texas. 

After being fingerprinted at the San Ysidro station and entered into federal databases, most of the detained immigrants will be released into the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, who will ensure that they are reunited with family members throughout the United States before appearing in Immigration Court.

Murrieta has become a front line on the national debate over immigration policy, with many residents concerned over immigrants bringing infectious disease, crime or instability to their community.

The majority of immigrants who have been scheduled to arrive in Murrieta are women and children who have traveled from Central America, and are believed to be fleeing crime and corruption in their homelands.

“The federal government will continue exploiting these children,” said Diana Serafin, a Murrieta resident and protest organizer. “Releasing them on our streets with diseases is unacceptable.”

Serafin also said she worried that the unrest over federal policy is doing damage to the city.

“The city needs a break,” Serafin said. “This is draining the resources of Murrieta. I don’t want to see our city go bankrupt.”

Advocacy groups working on behalf of the immigrants say that protesters misunderstand the plight of the arrivals.

“There is a lot of misinformation about these families,” said Jennaya Dunlap, a volunteer organizer with the Inland Empire Rapid Response Network, which has been coordinating charitable donations for the immigrants. “A lot of these people may end up being deported after a long and difficult process back to conditions that are basically unlivable, which is why they left in the first place.”

She said that in contrast to the protesters, many residents have offered support and donations for the arrivals.

In a news conference Monday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti weighed in on the recent protests as well.

Garcetti announced that Los Angeles would become one of several major U.S. cities that will no longer keep deportable inmates in prison past their jail term without a judge’s orders — a seeming rebuke to federal immigration officials.

“We should let the federal government do its job right now, which is trying to figure out what to do with this humanitarian crisis,” Garcetti said. “That was the first step. Not blocking buses to take kids and to somehow shove them away.”

The majority of anti-illegal immigration protesters vow to continue as long as federal officials attempt to deliver buses.

“We’re still going to be out here every 72 hours,” Gibbs said.


Times staff writer Emily Alpert Reyes in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

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Will the Border Crisis Spark Immigration Reform?

WASHINGTON, DC — Last fall, immigration advocates placed themselves under and in front of buses to stop them from shuttling immigrants to deportation hearings. Last week, Southern California protesters blocked buses carrying migrants who recently arrived in the country and were on their way to be processed.

Together they demonstrate how quickly the immigration front can shift, even as attempts to move an immigration overhaul through Congress drags on.

After numerous protests, fasting by activists on the National Mall, sit-ins and civil disobedience, immigration advocates have come up empty. The advocates’ demands for a hiatus on deportations have been pushed to the background by the arrival of tens of thousands of children, many on their own, and families on the Texas-Mexico border.

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While President Barack Obama has said he would take action on immigration now that the GOP House has retreated from any action this year, he has repeatedly said the action he may take would be limited.

Erika Andiola, co-director of the DRM Action Coalition, said the administration has been asking advocates to lower their expectations of what the president will do by executive order.

Groups such as hers have issued declarations of support for the children crossing the border, as they continue to demand the president halt deportations on the more than 11 million immigrants here illegally.

“I can see why the children would come,” said Andiola, who is from Mexico. “Whatever you tell them is happening here, they are not going to choose leaving this country. We’re hoping that the administration is trying to find a way to keep them here safely.”

The children’s arrival has renewed Republican criticisms of Obama’s immigration policies and of GOP views that the border is not secure and therefore any talk of immigration reform is premature. Obama’s border security policies have included removing from the country people who recently cross into the U.S. and those who are caught re-entering after being previously removed.

When Congress returns from recess this week, the president will ask members for money to support agents, shift judges to the border and for other resources needed for authorities to start culling through the children’s and families’ cases.

Simon Rosenberg, president and founder of the New Democratic Network, said the current crisis could have serious impact on the president’s next steps on immigration and on Republicans’ response.

“The administration has to get its arms around the current crisis. Everything else that follows will depend on how well this is managed and how it goes.”

“The administration has to get its arms around the current crisis. Everything else that follows will depend on how well this is managed and how it goes,” Rosenberg said.

Getting it under control gives the administration more “running room” to take executive action on the deportations that have topped 2 million while Obama has been president, Rosenberg said. But he said Congress also needs to provide the money he’ll request because “there’s a limit to how much the president can do without Congress being a partner.”

“If they refuse to work with him, then they will be responsible for extending the crisis, creating additional human suffering and strengthening the (smuggling) cartels,” Rosenberg said.

Texas’ Gov. Rick Perry, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, made a similar appeal during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing in Texas Thursday. Perry told the House panel “the president really needs you on this issue.” Perry also told a House panel it is more humane to send the children back quickly.

Ali Noorani, who has worked to galvanize support for immigration reform from business people, evangelicals and law enforcement, said the crisis puts the border security ball back in the hands of House Republicans.

“As long as our immigration system is as chaotic as it is, cartels will continue to take advantage of it and sell lies to families,” Noorani said.

About 35,000 of the more than 52,000 unaccompanied children who have been taken into Border Patrol custody since Oct. 1 are from Central America. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said on Meet the Press Sunday “our border is not open to illegal migration.” But he also said earlier that in addition to the violence driving children and families to the U.S., he believed smugglers have misled the migrants to believe the U.S. gives them permits to remain in the country once they get here.

Some children have been released to their parents or other guardians but also are given orders to show up for future deportation hearings. With backlogs in courts, many end up in the U.S. for extended periods awaiting hearings and others disappear into the U.S. interior. Alfonso Aguilar, executive director of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, said Republicans are risking sounding heartless if they turn back the children to their countries, particularly if their parents are in the U.S.

“There’s a reason we don’t deport Central American children right away and the reason is we don’t know what is going to happen to them in those countries,” Aguilar said. “We are a compassionate nation.”

Daniel Vargas, a Republican political strategist, disagreed. He said the children have to be sent back. “We can’t absorb that many children in a lawless situation,” he said.

Regardless of the children’s arrivals, Vargas said any executive action taken by the president on deportations will decimate chances for immigration reform in 2015.

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Why Immigration Reform Only Looks Dead

For supporters of immigration in the U.S. and Europe, it’s a hard time to be optimistic. The White House effectively declared the legislative effort for immigration reform dead last week, while looking for another $2 billion to throw at border control. The recent European Union elections, meanwhile, voted in more extreme-right politicians than ever. Yet there are still strong reasons to think the trend is toward a more welcoming West for migrants from the rest of the world. Poll evidence suggests Europeans and Americans are becoming more welcoming of foreigners over time. Add to that the growing economic interest in increased migration to keep up living standards, and a return to the historical norm of open borders in the West is the likely long-term result.

Politically, there’s little question that immigration is currently seen as a losing issue. The U.S. spends considerably more on immigration enforcement agencies than on the FBI, the DEA, the Secret Service, the U.S. Marshals, and the ATF combined. In elections for the European Parliament at the end of May, far-right parties won the most votes in both France and Denmark, while Greece’s fascist Golden Dawn party won three seats. In Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron has proposed reducing immigration to the U.K. from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands, yet his Conservative Party was still outpolled by the UK Independence Party, whose platform is pretty simple: Get out of Europe, close the borders.

The average citizen in both the U.S. and Europe, however, appears to be far calmer about immigration than the heat and light of recent events would suggest. Though there has been an uptick in popular concern about levels of migration in Europe and (to a lesser extent) the U.S., that rise should be seen in the context of a longer-term trend away from nativism. According to World Values Survey data, the proportion of Germans who think that “when jobs are scarce, employers should give priority to people of this country over immigrants” has fallen from 56 percent in the late 1990s to 41 percent more recently. Over the same period in Spain, the proportion fell from 70 percent to 53 percent, and in the U.S., 59 percent to 50 percent.

The U.K. is the only country out of eight European countries and the U.S. surveyed by the German Marshall Fund where the majority of respondents thought there were too many immigrants in the country in 2013. Compare that with 41 percent in the U.S. and only 24 percent in Germany. In the U.S., more than two-thirds view immigration as a good thing for the country. And even in the outlier U.K., the percentage of people suggesting immigration has gone too far has been similar—and if anything a little higher—all the way back to the 1960s. The proportion of Britons who admit they are at least a little prejudiced against people of other races has fallen from 35 percent in 1980 to 30 percent in the latest survey. The downward trend looks set to continue: Opposition to immigration skews old, and young people are considerably more relaxed about migration and race. Thirty-seven percent of British people born before 1929 admit to being very or a little prejudiced against people of another race, compared with 25 percent of Generation Y.

The U.K. also demonstrates the disconnect between attitudes toward immigration and the scale of immigration itself. While rising concern in the U.K. over the past decade has followed an upswing in migration from new member states of the European Union, in 2012 U.K. net migration was at its lowest level since 2008. Prejudice is the least prevalent in the most racially diverse parts of the country. Inner London, perhaps the most diverse part of the U.K., sees only 16 percent willing to admit prejudice—about one half the national average. Similarly, animosity toward immigrants in the U.S. is concentrated in rural areas, according to Katherine Fennelly and Christopher M. Federico of the University of Minnesota. They suggest that might be because of “greater isolation and lesser contact with immigrants and minorities.”

Across Europe, the recent elections may reflect a growing animosity toward immigrants during a downturn, but the far right in Europe did better in countries that suffered comparatively little from the financial crisis. Decades of research suggest views about migration simply aren’t related to self-interested worries about the threat of losing jobs. In their survey (PDF) of public attitudes toward immigration, Jens Hainmueller and Daniel Hopkins suggest the idea has “repeatedly failed to find empirical support,” making it something of a “zombie theory.” At the same time, a cluster of attitudes toward race and nationalism alongside immigration are closely linked.

This all suggests attitudes toward migration are a cultural issue—like those toward guns or gay marriage. And cultural attitudes unmoored from immediate economic concerns can change fast—look at gay marriage, where popular backing for marriage equality increased from 27 percent to 55 percent over the past 18 years. Or take another cultural question about employment: The World Values Survey in Germany in the late 1990s found more than one-fifth of the adult population thought that when jobs were scarce men had more right to a job than did women. That has fallen to 7 percent in the most recent survey. In Spain, that figure has dropped from 27 percent in the 1990s to 7 percent today. No major politician in Europe or America has come out with a proposal to shut women out of the workforce during the recent economic crisis. Hopefully, during the next economic crisis, the same will be true of migrants.

Those politicians fostering “acceptable nativism” might want to look at long-term economic trends. A recent analysis by the U.K.’s National Institute of Economic and Social Research suggests that the long-term impact of reducing net migration by 50 percent—in line with the target proposed by Britain’s David Cameron—would reduce British income per capita by about 2.7 percent by 2060 and force income tax increases of about 2.2 percentage points. That’s largely because most migrants are young—and so populations skew older absent immigration. Lower net migration implies more retirees on pensions with heavy hospital bills and fewer working-age people paying taxes.

You can be the party of low taxes or of low immigration. You can’t be the party of both. Politicians on both sides of the Atlantic should consider that math next time they use immigrants as a convenient scapegoat come election time.

Source Article from http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-07-07/why-immigration-reform-only-looks-dead
Why Immigration Reform Only Looks Dead
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The GOP Defies Believers on Immigration

Last week, Congressional Republicans forced an exasperated President Obama to acknowledge the death—or at least the needless delay—of yet another policy reform in the national interest. One striking feature of the immigration debate has been lost in the lamentations and finger pointing: religious leaders’s near-unanimous support for comprehensive immigration reform.

The politics of America’s faith leaders are as diverse as the manifold sects and theological orientations they represent, making widespread political agreement among them rare. Most social movements of the past found faith leaders on both sides of contentious issues. Churches split over slavery. Protestants fought Catholics over Prohibition. Some Christians opposed the Civil Rights movement while others marched and advocated for racial equality.

Today, religious arguments abound for and against cultural changes concerning gender roles and sexuality. Though enthusiasm for capital punishment is declining and religious opposition is strong, many prominent faith leaders continue to defend the death penalty. Since Vietnam, religious groups have been sharply divided over the United States’ military campaigns.

Most faith traditions have lobbies in Washington advocating for their priorities in the public square. In our current configuration of religious interest groups, we find significant overlap with party politics. Mainline Protestant elites are overwhelmingly liberal, and join ethnic minority faith groups in supporting the Democrats on most issues. White evangelicals and Latter-Day Saints are uniformly in the GOP camp. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and a smaller group of moderate evangelicals are the most legitimately nonpartisan, supporting conservative policies on human sexuality and siding with liberals on most everything else.

It’s significant, then, that religious leaders are nearly unanimous in their support of immigration reform. Mainline and black Protestants rarely regard Southern Baptists and Mormons as political allies. Yet leaders from all these faith traditions and many more supported the bipartisan bill that the Senate passed 68-32 in June 2013.

Perhaps some of this unanimity arises out of practical concerns. Immigrants play a vital and growing role in American congregations. This trend will only accelerate as whites lapse at higher rates than nonwhites. In recognition of the family cohesion and human dignity issues at stake, however, faith leaders of all stripes joined hands with each other and with law enforcement and business groups to seek House action on the Senate-passed bill.

Faith-based advocacy organizations in D.C. tend to cluster into like-minded groups. Evangelicals work together on life and marriage issues, Mainliners work together on peace and justice issues, etc. Each side teams up with the Catholic bishops when they can. Coalitions frequently emerge within, but not always between, these categories.

The National Immigration Forum connected religious advocates to the broader reform coalition. The Forum’s breadth is reflected in its board, which draws from diverse immigrant, business, and religious groups. Ali Noorani, the Forum’s executive director, helped bring the faith community into partnership with advocates like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and media mogul Steve Case. An ad hoc network, Bibles, Badges & Business, represents the diversity of the pro-reform lobby.

If not for the involvement of conservative evangelicals, the religious coalition on immigration reform would have looked like it does on most other issues of economic justice: mainline and ethnic minority Protestant groups joining Jewish and Catholic organizations in supporting policies to protect the poor and vulnerable in the face of silence—and, not infrequently, opposition—from the Christian right. Though the political and theological distance between conservative and moderate evangelicals has grown considerably over the past generation, prominent leaders and groups from both camps formed another ad hoc organization, the Evangelical Immigration Table, to underscore their shared commitment to honor the Bible’s clarion call to welcome the stranger.

This near-unanimous coalition included, of course, Hispanic evangelicals, a group growing in size and influence, and one which naturally has the most visceral personal connections to the immigration issue. The Rev. Gabriel Salguero and the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, both well known among Hispanic evangelicals as pastors and activists, have broadened their national prominence as faith leaders urgently advocating for immigration reform.

In spite of this dynamic coalition, nativist House Republicans hamstrung their impotent Speaker into notifying the president that immigration reform is dead. How can this be?

That the House GOP would defy not only business interests, but also their core constituency (white evangelicals) and a growing demographic (Hispanics) for whose votes they should aspire to compete shows how far the ruling Tea Party wing of the party has strayed from sane politics and practical, Main Street conservatism.

Immigration’s failure adds credence to Thomas Mann and Norm Ornstein’s argument that the rightward shift of the Republican Party has hampered effective governance. These longtime D.C. analysts argue that extremist influences cause the GOP to refuse even modest compromises and prevent majorities of the people and their representatives from enacting sensible policies and reforms.

To the chagrin of my friends who have labored so tirelessly on immigration reform, I agree with others who argue that, at least among white evangelicals, it has been more of a top-down effort than a grassroots movement. Some rank-and-file evangelicals may have switched their position or even advocated for reform. But in the aggregate, immigration reform is not a salient issue for white evangelicals. Obviously, few Republican congressmen fear losing voters over opposing it.

Republicans are having a vigorous debate about whether or not to make serious appeals to the growing Hispanic electorate. Some argue that the idea that Hispanics are a swing constituency is an illusion. In that case, the best plan is to maximize the white vote and to avoid naturalizing immigrants. This line of thinking may have merit in the very short term, but is perilous for the GOP’s future. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and others argue that if the GOP blocks immigration reform, it hurts its electoral prospects in 2016 and beyond.

The truth is that, for all religious advocates’ work on immigration reform, electoral considerations and ideological preferences are paramount for Members of Congress. Even so, faith leaders deserve our thanks for their commendable advocacy on behalf of a mostly voiceless, often invisible constituency. As broken as our politics have become, it may be a good idea to keep these leaders around. Maybe they know someone who can help us.

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Source Article from http://news.yahoo.com/gop-defies-believers-immigration-021221957–politics.html
The GOP Defies Believers on Immigration
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immigration – Yahoo News Search Results

Dueling immigration rallies held in California

MURRIETA, Calif. (AP) — Rumors had swirled among anti-immigration activists near a U.S. Border Patrol station in Southern California that the agency would try again to bus in some of the immigrants who have flooded across the U.S.-Mexico border.

Instead, they got dueling anti- and pro-immigration rallies Friday.

The crowd of 200 outside the station in Murrieta waved signs and sometimes shouted at each other. One banner read: “Proud LEGAL American. It doesn’t work any other way.” Another countered: “Against illegal immigration? Great! Go back to Europe!”

Law enforcement officers separated the two sides and contained them on one approach to the station, leaving open an approach from the opposite direction.

It was not certain, however, that any buses would arrive on Friday. Because of security concerns, federal authorities have said they will not publicize immigrant transfers among border patrol facilities. By late afternoon many demonstrators were leaving.

Six people were arrested, five for interfering with police who were investigating a fight and one for disorderly conduct, police said. One of the five was a woman who jumped on an officer’s back, but police did not give details on the actions of the rest.

Earlier this week, the city became the latest flashpoint in the intensifying immigration debate when a crowd of protesters waving American flags blocked buses carrying women and children who were flown from overwhelmed Texas facilities.

Federal authorities had hoped to process them at the station in Murrieta, about 55 miles north of downtown San Diego.

“This is a way of making our voices heard,” said Steve Prime, a resident of nearby Lake Elsinore. “The government’s main job is to secure our borders and protect us — and they’re doing neither.”

Immigration supporters said the immigrants need to be treated as humans and that migrating to survive is not a crime.

“We’re celebrating the 4th of July and what a melting pot America is,” said Raquel Alvarado, a high school history teacher and Murrieta resident who chalked up the fear of migrants in the city of roughly 106,000 to discrimination.

“They don’t want to have their kids share the same classroom,” she said.

The city’s mayor, Alan Long, became a hero to those seeking stronger immigration policies with his criticism of the federal government’s efforts to handle the influx of thousands of immigrants, many of them mothers and children.

However, Murrieta’s top administrative official tried to clarify Long’s comments, saying he was only asserting the Border Patrol station was not an appropriate location to process the migrants and was encouraging residents to contact their federal representatives.

The July 3 statement by City Manager Rick Dudley, suggesting that protesters had come from elsewhere in Southern California, expressed regret that the busloads of women and children had been forced to turn around.

Long said by telephone Friday that there was talk of a protest up to two weeks before Tuesday’s confrontation and the intent of his press conference Monday “was to squelch people’s rumors and to put people’s nerves at ease.”

He said forcing the buses to turn around was neither planned nor called for. “It’s not reflective of our city. This controversial topic has turned us upside down,” Long said. “It just happened to land on our doorstep, and we want to be part of a solution.”

Some local leaders said the outrage among some area residents was justified, given the already stressed social services infrastructure and the stagnant regional economy.

Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone said they weren’t concerned about the people on the buses. “It’s the thousands more that will follow that will strain our resources and take away the resources we need to care for our own citizens,” he said.

In recent months, thousands of children and families have fled violence, murders and extortion from criminal gangs in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Since October, more than 52,000 unaccompanied children have been detained.

The crunch on the border in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley prompted U.S. authorities to fly immigrant families to other Texas cities and to Southern California for processing.

The Border Patrol is coping with excess capacity across the Southwest, and cities’ responses to the arriving immigrants have ranged from welcoming to indifferent.

In the border town of El Centro, California, a flight arrived Wednesday without protest.

In Nogales, Arizona, the mayor has said he welcomes the hundreds of children who are being dropped off daily at a large Border Patrol warehouse. Residents have donated clothing and other items for them.

In New Mexico, however, residents have been less enthusiastic.

At a town hall meeting this week, residents in Artesia spoke out against a detention center that recently started housing immigrants. They said they were afraid the immigrants would take jobs and resources from U.S. citizens.


Associated Press writers Astrid Galvan in Tucson, Arizona, and Amy Taxin in Tustin, California, contributed to this report.

Source Article from http://news.yahoo.com/dueling-immigration-rallies-held-california-022845783.html
Dueling immigration rallies held in California
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immigration – Yahoo News Search Results