Immigration hits Kentucky race

Immigration is about to enter the Kentucky Senate race in a very big way.

The main pro-Mitch McConnell outside group will spend just under $1 million over the next week, starting Tuesday, on a commercial that links Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes with President Barack Obama over their shared support for “a pathway to citizenship” for undocumented immigrants, which some conservatives say is tantamount to amnesty.

It comes after at least four Republican Senate candidates, as well as the National Republican Senatorial Committee, have run ads accusing Democrats of being soft on the immigration issue.

(Also on POLITICO: Grimes goes shooting in new ad)

McConnell, the Senate minority leader, has yet to hammer Grimes on this issue in his paid advertising, but their stances on the topic were among their clearest differences during a Kentucky Farm Bureau forum last month.

The ad from the Kentucky Opportunity Coalition, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, says that Obama and Grimes’ plan would mean “citizenship for millions who broke the law.”

“Illegal immigrants would become eligible for taxpayer-funded benefits: food stamps, unemployment, even Medicare,” a female narrator says in the 30-second spot, shared first with POLITICO. “Obama and Grimes: two liberals for amnesty, too liberal for us.”

The commercial includes vintage black-and-white video footage of people hopping a border fence to enter America illegally.

(Also on POLITICO: Would a GOP Senate be king of the world?)

The president is shown in a clip from the White House briefing room saying, “We want to make sure that we’ve got a pathway to citizenship.”

The ad then shows Grimes, Kentucky’s secretary of state, telling a local TV station, “We need an immigration bill … giving a pathway to citizenship for so many millions.”

Grimes said at the Farm Bureau forum last month that she would have backed the comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed the Senate. McConnell advocated for breaking the immigration issue up into a series of piecemeal bills.

“Had Mitch not stood in the way of comprehensive immigration reform … we might not see the crisis we see at the border today,” Grimes said on Aug. 20. “He said ‘no’ to making sure we could have an earned pathway to citizenship — which is what I believe in.”

(Also on POLITICO: Year of the ‘regular folk’)

McConnell said comprehensive approaches to big problems can go terribly awry, citing Obamacare.

“I think we need to bust it up,” he said.

On Monday, Grimes released an ad that underscores how far she’ll go to distance herself from the wildly unpopular Obama.

“Mitch McConnell wants you to think I’m Barack Obama,” the Democrat narrates as she’s shown firing a shotgun. “I’m not Barack Obama. I disagree with him on guns, coal and the EPA.”

Republican Senate challengers in New Hampshire, Michigan, Arkansas and Louisiana also have been on the air with tough “amnesty”-themed spots.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee’s independent expenditure arm began running an ad against Georgia Democrat Michelle Nunn over her support for the comprehensive immigration bill last week, forcing her to go up with a response ad over the weekend. It notes that Republican senators, including Arizona’s John McCain and Florida’s Marco Rubio, backed the same bill and that she publicly opposes the president taking executive action on immigration.

Kentucky Opportunity Coalition has already spent millions on ads. So far, its Grimes hits have focused on the coal issue and Obamacare. The immigration attack is a $980,000 buy for one week.

The Grimes campaign responded to the ad by attacking McConnell for not backing last year’s Senate bill.

“Mitch McConnell voted against immigration reform that would have helped Kentucky farmers and secured our border by putting thousands more agents on the border,” said Grimes spokeswoman Charly Norton. “Alison opposes President Obama in any attempt to alter our immigration system by executive order and believes Congress needs to do its job and pass comprehensive immigration reform.”

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Immigration hits Kentucky race
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results

Opinion: Obama's wise move on immigration

Editor’s note: Maria Cardona is a political commentator for CNN, a Democratic strategist and principal at the Dewey Square Group. She is a former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton and was communications director for the Democratic National Committee. She also is a former communications director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

(CNN) — As a Latina activist I was devastated to learn the President would delay executive action to keep undocumented immigrants with no criminal record from getting deported.

He’d promised he’d do it, our community expected it, and the country’s economy needed it — especially as Republicans have abdicated their obligation to pass real and lasting legislative reform for our broken immigration system.

But as a political strategist, I understand why the President delayed his decision.

Maria Cardona

Let’s be clear: This is Obama’s promise delayed, not broken.

The decision was indeed political. But unlike his critics on both sides of the aisle — the activists who, like me, are deeply disappointed, and Republicans who hypocritically accuse him of giving Latinos a slap in the face — I believe it was political for the right reasons.

The President’s action was a political “Hippocratic Oath:” first do no harm. There are a handful of vulnerable Democrats in very red states that are fighting to be re-elected, and control of the Senate is in the balance.

Hanging on to a Democratic-controlled Senate is essential to the future of any legislative fix on immigration. It is also essential to keeping the President’s Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, in place. If Republicans take over the Senate, Latinos — indeed the entire country — can kiss any possibility of real reform goodbye and can expect an immediate full frontal attack to repeal DACA.

The President said on “Meet the Press” that the reason for the decision was that the politics on the issue had changed since he made the announcement in the Rose Garden in June. He is right. By June, public attention to the influx of unaccompanied minors was just starting to hit a crescendo. And Republicans were masterly in injecting cynicism as well as downright lies into the discussion of the cause of the influx and the security at the border.

When the President finally makes his announcement before the end of the year, the American people, understandably distressed about what has been happening at the border, will deserve a full accounting on the realities of border security, the undocumented flows into the country, why our economy needs immediate action and why we need to achieve real legislative reform in the long run.

With everything going on in the foreign policy arena as the country confronts a brutal terrorist organization in ISIS that is seeking to do us harm, as well as the politicking of midterm elections upon us, there is no room in the public square for a real dialogue that would explain and sustain the President’s Executive Action and draw support to the reasons to work toward real reform.

The President will need to lay out facts and figures that prove the border is safer and more secure now than ever before. These would include:

– Under both President Clinton and President George W. Bush, the undocumented population grew at an unprecedented level. Even after the summer influx of undocumented children, under President Obama, the growth has been net negative.

– The flow of unaccompanied minors now is less than it was in February of 2013.

– There has been an unprecedented surge in resources at the border under President Obama that includes doubling the number of Border Patrol agents and tripling the money that goes to technology and infrastructure.

– The border is safer today and border crime is down from 10 years ago.

President delays immigration action

Obama defers action on immigration

He should reiterate the benefits of letting undocumented immigrants work and contribute legally to our economy. He should explain that in the long run, these immigrants should have to get right with the law, pass a background check, pay a fine and back taxes, learn English, and then get in line behind others who are following current legal procedures in order to become a U.S. citizen (key elements to real immigration reform).

The President should underscore that passing real immigration reform will inject more than $700 billion into our economy over the next 10 years, and $1.4 trillion over the next 20, reduce the deficit by almost a $1 trillion in the next 20 years, raise wages, as undocumented workers will no longer be taken advantage of by unscrupulous employers, and boost our overall global competitiveness.

There is a reason why most (even conservative) economists support immigration reform and why the business community has joined with the faith community, law enforcement leaders and labor in an improbable alliance of partners working toward this type of reform.

While I am disappointed the President’s executive action is not coming sooner–and any family ripped apart in the interim is one too many — we also have to consider two things that will make it improbable that an undocumented immigrant without a criminal record in the interior of the country would be immediately removed:

1) The 2011 new Department of Homeland Security policy that made it administration policy to deprioritize non-criminal undocumented immigrants and focus resources on removing the most dangerous criminals from our midst. In fact, of the 370,000 undocumented immigrants removed last year, all but 10,000 had criminal records — and yes, that is still too big a number. This is why we need real reform now.

2) Since June, the removal architecture of the immigration system — enforcement agents, and immigration judges — has moved from the interior to the border to deal with the influx of unaccompanied minors more fairly and efficiently.

I know these assurances are not enough for immigration activists seeking immediate relief. But even Latinos who are as deeply saddened as I am that we will not see action for another several weeks, at least, understand that what we will be getting from President Obama is far more effective and real than what we have gotten so far from Republicans who have turned their backs on our community and the American economy. If not for GOP inaction, immigration reform would be a reality today.

So amigos, let’s be confident President Obama will act before the end of the year. If he doesn’t, I will be the first one to join you in a picket line at the White House.

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Source Article from
Opinion: Obama's wise move on immigration
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results

Opinion: Obama's wise move on immigration

Editor’s note: Maria Cardona is a political commentator for CNN, a Democratic strategist and principal at the Dewey Square Group. She is a former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton and was communications director for the Democratic National Committee. She also is a former communications director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

(CNN) — As a Latina activist I was devastated to learn the President would delay executive action to keep undocumented immigrants with no criminal record from getting deported.

He’d promised he’d do it, our community expected it, and the country’s economy needed it — especially as Republicans have abdicated their obligation to pass real and lasting legislative reform for our broken immigration system.

But as a political strategist, I understand why the President delayed his decision.

Maria Cardona

Let’s be clear: This is Obama’s promise delayed, not broken.

The decision was indeed political. But unlike his critics on both sides of the aisle — the activists who, like me, are deeply disappointed, and Republicans who hypocritically accuse him of giving Latinos a slap in the face — I believe it was political for the right reasons.

The President’s action was a political “Hippocratic Oath:” first do no harm. There are a handful of vulnerable Democrats in very red states that are fighting to be re-elected, and control of the Senate is in the balance.

Hanging on to a Democratic-controlled Senate is essential to the future of any legislative fix on immigration. It is also essential to keeping the President’s Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, in place. If Republicans take over the Senate, Latinos — indeed the entire country — can kiss any possibility of real reform goodbye and can expect an immediate full frontal attack to repeal DACA.

The President said on “Meet the Press” that the reason for the decision was that the politics on the issue had changed since he made the announcement in the Rose Garden in June. He is right. By June, public attention to the influx of unaccompanied minors was just starting to hit a crescendo. And Republicans were masterly in injecting cynicism as well as downright lies into the discussion of the cause of the influx and the security at the border.

When the President finally makes his announcement before the end of the year, the American people, understandably distressed about what has been happening at the border, will deserve a full accounting on the realities of border security, the undocumented flows into the country, why our economy needs immediate action and why we need to achieve real legislative reform in the long run.

With everything going on in the foreign policy arena as the country confronts a brutal terrorist organization in ISIS that is seeking to do us harm, as well as the politicking of midterm elections upon us, there is no room in the public square for a real dialogue that would explain and sustain the President’s Executive Action and draw support to the reasons to work toward real reform.

The President will need to lay out facts and figures that prove the border is safer and more secure now than ever before. These would include:

– Under both President Clinton and President George W. Bush, the undocumented population grew at an unprecedented level. Even after the summer influx of undocumented children, under President Obama, the growth has been net negative.

– The flow of unaccompanied minors now is less than it was in February of 2013.

– There has been an unprecedented surge in resources at the border under President Obama that includes doubling the number of Border Patrol agents and tripling the money that goes to technology and infrastructure.

– The border is safer today and border crime is down from 10 years ago.

President delays immigration action

Obama defers action on immigration

He should reiterate the benefits of letting undocumented immigrants work and contribute legally to our economy. He should explain that in the long run, these immigrants should have to get right with the law, pass a background check, pay a fine and back taxes, learn English, and then get in line behind others who are following current legal procedures in order to become a U.S. citizen (key elements to real immigration reform).

The President should underscore that passing real immigration reform will inject more than $700 billion into our economy over the next 10 years, and $1.4 trillion over the next 20, reduce the deficit by almost a $1 trillion in the next 20 years, raise wages, as undocumented workers will no longer be taken advantage of by unscrupulous employers, and boost our overall global competitiveness.

There is a reason why most (even conservative) economists support immigration reform and why the business community has joined with the faith community, law enforcement leaders and labor in an improbable alliance of partners working toward this type of reform.

While I am disappointed the President’s executive action is not coming sooner–and any family ripped apart in the interim is one too many — we also have to consider two things that will make it improbable that an undocumented immigrant without a criminal record in the interior of the country would be immediately removed:

1) The 2011 new Department of Homeland Security policy that made it administration policy to deprioritize non-criminal undocumented immigrants and focus resources on removing the most dangerous criminals from our midst. In fact, of the 370,000 undocumented immigrants removed last year, all but 10,000 had criminal records — and yes, that is still too big a number. This is why we need real reform now.

2) Since June, the removal architecture of the immigration system — enforcement agents, and immigration judges — has moved from the interior to the border to deal with the influx of unaccompanied minors more fairly and efficiently.

I know these assurances are not enough for immigration activists seeking immediate relief. But even Latinos who are as deeply saddened as I am that we will not see action for another several weeks, at least, understand that what we will be getting from President Obama is far more effective and real than what we have gotten so far from Republicans who have turned their backs on our community and the American economy. If not for GOP inaction, immigration reform would be a reality today.

So amigos, let’s be confident President Obama will act before the end of the year. If he doesn’t, I will be the first one to join you in a picket line at the White House.

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Opinion: Obama's wise move on immigration
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results

Opinion: Obama's wise move on immigration

Editor’s note: Maria Cardona is a political commentator for CNN, a Democratic strategist and principal at the Dewey Square Group. She is a former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton and was communications director for the Democratic National Committee. She also is a former communications director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

(CNN) — As a Latina activist I was devastated to learn the President would delay executive action to keep undocumented immigrants with no criminal record from getting deported.

He’d promised he’d do it, our community expected it, and the country’s economy needed it — especially as Republicans have abdicated their obligation to pass real and lasting legislative reform for our broken immigration system.

But as a political strategist, I understand why the President delayed his decision.

Maria Cardona

Let’s be clear: This is Obama’s promise delayed, not broken.

The decision was indeed political. But unlike his critics on both sides of the aisle — the activists who, like me, are deeply disappointed, and Republicans who hypocritically accuse him of giving Latinos a slap in the face — I believe it was political for the right reasons.

The President’s action was a political “Hippocratic Oath:” first do no harm. There are a handful of vulnerable Democrats in very red states that are fighting to be re-elected, and control of the Senate is in the balance.

Hanging on to a Democratic-controlled Senate is essential to the future of any legislative fix on immigration. It is also essential to keeping the President’s Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, in place. If Republicans take over the Senate, Latinos — indeed the entire country — can kiss any possibility of real reform goodbye and can expect an immediate full frontal attack to repeal DACA.

The President said on “Meet the Press” that the reason for the decision was that the politics on the issue had changed since he made the announcement in the Rose Garden in June. He is right. By June, public attention to the influx of unaccompanied minors was just starting to hit a crescendo. And Republicans were masterly in injecting cynicism as well as downright lies into the discussion of the cause of the influx and the security at the border.

When the President finally makes his announcement before the end of the year, the American people, understandably distressed about what has been happening at the border, will deserve a full accounting on the realities of border security, the undocumented flows into the country, why our economy needs immediate action and why we need to achieve real legislative reform in the long run.

With everything going on in the foreign policy arena as the country confronts a brutal terrorist organization in ISIS that is seeking to do us harm, as well as the politicking of midterm elections upon us, there is no room in the public square for a real dialogue that would explain and sustain the President’s Executive Action and draw support to the reasons to work toward real reform.

The President will need to lay out facts and figures that prove the border is safer and more secure now than ever before. These would include:

– Under both President Clinton and President George W. Bush, the undocumented population grew at an unprecedented level. Even after the summer influx of undocumented children, under President Obama, the growth has been net negative.

– The flow of unaccompanied minors now is less than it was in February of 2013.

– There has been an unprecedented surge in resources at the border under President Obama that includes doubling the number of Border Patrol agents and tripling the money that goes to technology and infrastructure.

– The border is safer today and border crime is down from 10 years ago.

President delays immigration action

Obama defers action on immigration

He should reiterate the benefits of letting undocumented immigrants work and contribute legally to our economy. He should explain that in the long run, these immigrants should have to get right with the law, pass a background check, pay a fine and back taxes, learn English, and then get in line behind others who are following current legal procedures in order to become a U.S. citizen (key elements to real immigration reform).

The President should underscore that passing real immigration reform will inject more than $700 billion into our economy over the next 10 years, and $1.4 trillion over the next 20, reduce the deficit by almost a $1 trillion in the next 20 years, raise wages, as undocumented workers will no longer be taken advantage of by unscrupulous employers, and boost our overall global competitiveness.

There is a reason why most (even conservative) economists support immigration reform and why the business community has joined with the faith community, law enforcement leaders and labor in an improbable alliance of partners working toward this type of reform.

While I am disappointed the President’s executive action is not coming sooner–and any family ripped apart in the interim is one too many — we also have to consider two things that will make it improbable that an undocumented immigrant without a criminal record in the interior of the country would be immediately removed:

1) The 2011 new Department of Homeland Security policy that made it administration policy to deprioritize non-criminal undocumented immigrants and focus resources on removing the most dangerous criminals from our midst. In fact, of the 370,000 undocumented immigrants removed last year, all but 10,000 had criminal records — and yes, that is still too big a number. This is why we need real reform now.

2) Since June, the removal architecture of the immigration system — enforcement agents, and immigration judges — has moved from the interior to the border to deal with the influx of unaccompanied minors more fairly and efficiently.

I know these assurances are not enough for immigration activists seeking immediate relief. But even Latinos who are as deeply saddened as I am that we will not see action for another several weeks, at least, understand that what we will be getting from President Obama is far more effective and real than what we have gotten so far from Republicans who have turned their backs on our community and the American economy. If not for GOP inaction, immigration reform would be a reality today.

So amigos, let’s be confident President Obama will act before the end of the year. If he doesn’t, I will be the first one to join you in a picket line at the White House.

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Opinion: Obama's wise move on immigration
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immigration – Yahoo News Search Results

Opinion: Obama's wise move on immigration

Editor’s note: Maria Cardona is a political commentator for CNN, a Democratic strategist and principal at the Dewey Square Group. She is a former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton and was communications director for the Democratic National Committee. She also is a former communications director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

(CNN) — As a Latina activist I was devastated to learn the President would delay executive action to keep undocumented immigrants with no criminal record from getting deported.

He’d promised he’d do it, our community expected it, and the country’s economy needed it — especially as Republicans have abdicated their obligation to pass real and lasting legislative reform for our broken immigration system.

But as a political strategist, I understand why the President delayed his decision.

Maria Cardona

Let’s be clear: This is Obama’s promise delayed, not broken.

The decision was indeed political. But unlike his critics on both sides of the aisle — the activists who, like me, are deeply disappointed, and Republicans who hypocritically accuse him of giving Latinos a slap in the face — I believe it was political for the right reasons.

The President’s action was a political “Hippocratic Oath:” first do no harm. There are a handful of vulnerable Democrats in very red states that are fighting to be re-elected, and control of the Senate is in the balance.

Hanging on to a Democratic-controlled Senate is essential to the future of any legislative fix on immigration. It is also essential to keeping the President’s Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, in place. If Republicans take over the Senate, Latinos — indeed the entire country — can kiss any possibility of real reform goodbye and can expect an immediate full frontal attack to repeal DACA.

The President said on “Meet the Press” that the reason for the decision was that the politics on the issue had changed since he made the announcement in the Rose Garden in June. He is right. By June, public attention to the influx of unaccompanied minors was just starting to hit a crescendo. And Republicans were masterly in injecting cynicism as well as downright lies into the discussion of the cause of the influx and the security at the border.

When the President finally makes his announcement before the end of the year, the American people, understandably distressed about what has been happening at the border, will deserve a full accounting on the realities of border security, the undocumented flows into the country, why our economy needs immediate action and why we need to achieve real legislative reform in the long run.

With everything going on in the foreign policy arena as the country confronts a brutal terrorist organization in ISIS that is seeking to do us harm, as well as the politicking of midterm elections upon us, there is no room in the public square for a real dialogue that would explain and sustain the President’s Executive Action and draw support to the reasons to work toward real reform.

The President will need to lay out facts and figures that prove the border is safer and more secure now than ever before. These would include:

– Under both President Clinton and President George W. Bush, the undocumented population grew at an unprecedented level. Even after the summer influx of undocumented children, under President Obama, the growth has been net negative.

– The flow of unaccompanied minors now is less than it was in February of 2013.

– There has been an unprecedented surge in resources at the border under President Obama that includes doubling the number of Border Patrol agents and tripling the money that goes to technology and infrastructure.

– The border is safer today and border crime is down from 10 years ago.

President delays immigration action

Obama defers action on immigration

He should reiterate the benefits of letting undocumented immigrants work and contribute legally to our economy. He should explain that in the long run, these immigrants should have to get right with the law, pass a background check, pay a fine and back taxes, learn English, and then get in line behind others who are following current legal procedures in order to become a U.S. citizen (key elements to real immigration reform).

The President should underscore that passing real immigration reform will inject more than $700 billion into our economy over the next 10 years, and $1.4 trillion over the next 20, reduce the deficit by almost a $1 trillion in the next 20 years, raise wages, as undocumented workers will no longer be taken advantage of by unscrupulous employers, and boost our overall global competitiveness.

There is a reason why most (even conservative) economists support immigration reform and why the business community has joined with the faith community, law enforcement leaders and labor in an improbable alliance of partners working toward this type of reform.

While I am disappointed the President’s executive action is not coming sooner–and any family ripped apart in the interim is one too many — we also have to consider two things that will make it improbable that an undocumented immigrant without a criminal record in the interior of the country would be immediately removed:

1) The 2011 new Department of Homeland Security policy that made it administration policy to deprioritize non-criminal undocumented immigrants and focus resources on removing the most dangerous criminals from our midst. In fact, of the 370,000 undocumented immigrants removed last year, all but 10,000 had criminal records — and yes, that is still too big a number. This is why we need real reform now.

2) Since June, the removal architecture of the immigration system — enforcement agents, and immigration judges — has moved from the interior to the border to deal with the influx of unaccompanied minors more fairly and efficiently.

I know these assurances are not enough for immigration activists seeking immediate relief. But even Latinos who are as deeply saddened as I am that we will not see action for another several weeks, at least, understand that what we will be getting from President Obama is far more effective and real than what we have gotten so far from Republicans who have turned their backs on our community and the American economy. If not for GOP inaction, immigration reform would be a reality today.

So amigos, let’s be confident President Obama will act before the end of the year. If he doesn’t, I will be the first one to join you in a picket line at the White House.

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Source Article from
Opinion: Obama's wise move on immigration
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results

Opinion: Obama's wise move on immigration

Editor’s note: Maria Cardona is a political commentator for CNN, a Democratic strategist and principal at the Dewey Square Group. She is a former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton and was communications director for the Democratic National Committee. She also is a former communications director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

(CNN) — As a Latina activist I was devastated to learn the President would delay executive action to keep undocumented immigrants with no criminal record from getting deported.

He’d promised he’d do it, our community expected it, and the country’s economy needed it — especially as Republicans have abdicated their obligation to pass real and lasting legislative reform for our broken immigration system.

But as a political strategist, I understand why the President delayed his decision.

Maria Cardona

Let’s be clear: This is Obama’s promise delayed, not broken.

The decision was indeed political. But unlike his critics on both sides of the aisle — the activists who, like me, are deeply disappointed, and Republicans who hypocritically accuse him of giving Latinos a slap in the face — I believe it was political for the right reasons.

The President’s action was a political “Hippocratic Oath:” first do no harm. There are a handful of vulnerable Democrats in very red states that are fighting to be re-elected, and control of the Senate is in the balance.

Hanging on to a Democratic-controlled Senate is essential to the future of any legislative fix on immigration. It is also essential to keeping the President’s Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, in place. If Republicans take over the Senate, Latinos — indeed the entire country — can kiss any possibility of real reform goodbye and can expect an immediate full frontal attack to repeal DACA.

The President said on “Meet the Press” that the reason for the decision was that the politics on the issue had changed since he made the announcement in the Rose Garden in June. He is right. By June, public attention to the influx of unaccompanied minors was just starting to hit a crescendo. And Republicans were masterly in injecting cynicism as well as downright lies into the discussion of the cause of the influx and the security at the border.

When the President finally makes his announcement before the end of the year, the American people, understandably distressed about what has been happening at the border, will deserve a full accounting on the realities of border security, the undocumented flows into the country, why our economy needs immediate action and why we need to achieve real legislative reform in the long run.

With everything going on in the foreign policy arena as the country confronts a brutal terrorist organization in ISIS that is seeking to do us harm, as well as the politicking of midterm elections upon us, there is no room in the public square for a real dialogue that would explain and sustain the President’s Executive Action and draw support to the reasons to work toward real reform.

The President will need to lay out facts and figures that prove the border is safer and more secure now than ever before. These would include:

– Under both President Clinton and President George W. Bush, the undocumented population grew at an unprecedented level. Even after the summer influx of undocumented children, under President Obama, the growth has been net negative.

– The flow of unaccompanied minors now is less than it was in February of 2013.

– There has been an unprecedented surge in resources at the border under President Obama that includes doubling the number of Border Patrol agents and tripling the money that goes to technology and infrastructure.

– The border is safer today and border crime is down from 10 years ago.

President delays immigration action

Obama defers action on immigration

He should reiterate the benefits of letting undocumented immigrants work and contribute legally to our economy. He should explain that in the long run, these immigrants should have to get right with the law, pass a background check, pay a fine and back taxes, learn English, and then get in line behind others who are following current legal procedures in order to become a U.S. citizen (key elements to real immigration reform).

The President should underscore that passing real immigration reform will inject more than $700 billion into our economy over the next 10 years, and $1.4 trillion over the next 20, reduce the deficit by almost a $1 trillion in the next 20 years, raise wages, as undocumented workers will no longer be taken advantage of by unscrupulous employers, and boost our overall global competitiveness.

There is a reason why most (even conservative) economists support immigration reform and why the business community has joined with the faith community, law enforcement leaders and labor in an improbable alliance of partners working toward this type of reform.

While I am disappointed the President’s executive action is not coming sooner–and any family ripped apart in the interim is one too many — we also have to consider two things that will make it improbable that an undocumented immigrant without a criminal record in the interior of the country would be immediately removed:

1) The 2011 new Department of Homeland Security policy that made it administration policy to deprioritize non-criminal undocumented immigrants and focus resources on removing the most dangerous criminals from our midst. In fact, of the 370,000 undocumented immigrants removed last year, all but 10,000 had criminal records — and yes, that is still too big a number. This is why we need real reform now.

2) Since June, the removal architecture of the immigration system — enforcement agents, and immigration judges — has moved from the interior to the border to deal with the influx of unaccompanied minors more fairly and efficiently.

I know these assurances are not enough for immigration activists seeking immediate relief. But even Latinos who are as deeply saddened as I am that we will not see action for another several weeks, at least, understand that what we will be getting from President Obama is far more effective and real than what we have gotten so far from Republicans who have turned their backs on our community and the American economy. If not for GOP inaction, immigration reform would be a reality today.

So amigos, let’s be confident President Obama will act before the end of the year. If he doesn’t, I will be the first one to join you in a picket line at the White House.

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Sweden's far-right rises amid immigration debate

STOCKHOLM (AP) — A Swedish far-right party demanding sharp cuts in immigration has more than doubled its support in a parliamentary election.

Ironically, the surge for the far-right Sweden Democrats means the country’s government itself is poised to shift to the left, since many of the Sweden Democrats’ new voters defected from Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt’s center-right coalition. That left Stefan Lofven’s Social Democrats and its smaller partners as the top vote-getter in Sunday’s election.

Here’s a guide to Sweden’s shifting political situation:


Reinfeldt’s four-party coalition, known as the Alliance, is out after eight years of tax cuts and pro-market policies that critics say have eroded Sweden’s welfare system. The prime minister says he will resign Monday.

The Alliance lost 31 seats in the 349-member Parliament, paving the way for the left-leaning Social Democrats to start coalition talks on forming a new government.

Still, those talks are going to be complicated. Even with the support of the smaller Green and Left parties, the Social Democrats’ bloc would only have 158 seats in Parliament, 17 short of a majority. It’s also unclear if Lofven can get any support from the center-right parties.


Far-right parties with an anti-immigration agenda have gained ground across Europe for more than a decade. Sweden was an exception until four years ago when the Sweden Democrats entered Parliament.

Born out of a radical nationalist movement with neo-Nazi links, the Sweden Democrats have softened their rhetoric and expelled openly racist members. On Sunday they surged from 20 to 49 seats to become the third biggest party in Sweden’s parliament. The Brussels-based European Jewish Congress called the vote a “wake-up call for Sweden and the rest of Europe.”

This year, Sweden expects to accept up to 80,000 asylum-seekers from Syria, Eritrea, Iraq and Afghanistan, among other countries. Relative to Sweden’s population, that’s the biggest flow in the 28-nation European Union.

Surveys show about 40 percent of Swedes want less immigration. Yet before the Sweden Democrats, no party in parliament wanted to tighten the rules.

The other parties see it as their moral duty to keep wealthy Sweden’s borders open to refugees fleeing war and poverty — and are likely to reach agreements across the political divide to keep the Sweden Democrats from having any influence on immigration.


It looks like Lofven will be in charge of a weak left-leaning minority government that’s going to struggle to push its agenda through parliament.

Lofven won’t reverse Reinfeldt’s most popular reforms, such as tax cuts for middle-income earners. The Social Democrats only want to raise taxes for people making more than $100,000 a year. But he has vowed to remove the tax breaks that made it cheaper for companies to hire young employees.

No dramatic shift in foreign policy is expected. Sweden, a member of the EU, will remain outside NATO and keep its krona instead of using the euro, the EU’s common currency.


Karl Ritter can be followed on Twitter at

Source Article from
Sweden's far-right rises amid immigration debate
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results

Sweden's far-right rises amid immigration debate

STOCKHOLM (AP) — A Swedish far-right party demanding sharp cuts in immigration has more than doubled its support in a parliamentary election.

Ironically, the surge for the far-right Sweden Democrats means the country’s government itself is poised to shift to the left, since many of the Sweden Democrats’ new voters defected from Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt’s center-right coalition. That left Stefan Lofven’s Social Democrats and its smaller partners as the top vote-getter in Sunday’s election.

Here’s a guide to Sweden’s shifting political situation:


Reinfeldt’s four-party coalition, known as the Alliance, is out after eight years of tax cuts and pro-market policies that critics say have eroded Sweden’s welfare system. The prime minister says he will resign Monday.

The Alliance lost 31 seats in the 349-member Parliament, paving the way for the left-leaning Social Democrats to start coalition talks on forming a new government.

Still, those talks are going to be complicated. Even with the support of the smaller Green and Left parties, the Social Democrats’ bloc would only have 158 seats in Parliament, 17 short of a majority. It’s also unclear if Lofven can get any support from the center-right parties.


Far-right parties with an anti-immigration agenda have gained ground across Europe for more than a decade. Sweden was an exception until four years ago when the Sweden Democrats entered Parliament.

Born out of a radical nationalist movement with neo-Nazi links, the Sweden Democrats have softened their rhetoric and expelled openly racist members. On Sunday they surged from 20 to 49 seats to become the third biggest party in Sweden’s parliament. The Brussels-based European Jewish Congress called the vote a “wake-up call for Sweden and the rest of Europe.”

This year, Sweden expects to accept up to 80,000 asylum-seekers from Syria, Eritrea, Iraq and Afghanistan, among other countries. Relative to Sweden’s population, that’s the biggest flow in the 28-nation European Union.

Surveys show about 40 percent of Swedes want less immigration. Yet before the Sweden Democrats, no party in parliament wanted to tighten the rules.

The other parties see it as their moral duty to keep wealthy Sweden’s borders open to refugees fleeing war and poverty — and are likely to reach agreements across the political divide to keep the Sweden Democrats from having any influence on immigration.


It looks like Lofven will be in charge of a weak left-leaning minority government that’s going to struggle to push its agenda through parliament.

Lofven won’t reverse Reinfeldt’s most popular reforms, such as tax cuts for middle-income earners. The Social Democrats only want to raise taxes for people making more than $100,000 a year. But he has vowed to remove the tax breaks that made it cheaper for companies to hire young employees.

No dramatic shift in foreign policy is expected. Sweden, a member of the EU, will remain outside NATO and keep its krona instead of using the euro, the EU’s common currency.


Karl Ritter can be followed on Twitter at

Source Article from
Sweden's far-right rises amid immigration debate
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results

Sweden's far-right rises amid immigration debate

STOCKHOLM (AP) — A Swedish far-right party demanding sharp cuts in immigration has more than doubled its support in a parliamentary election.

Ironically, the surge for the far-right Sweden Democrats means the country’s government itself is poised to shift to the left, since many of the Sweden Democrats’ new voters defected from Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt’s center-right coalition. That left Stefan Lofven’s Social Democrats and its smaller partners as the top vote-getter in Sunday’s election.

Here’s a guide to Sweden’s shifting political situation:


Reinfeldt’s four-party coalition, known as the Alliance, is out after eight years of tax cuts and pro-market policies that critics say have eroded Sweden’s welfare system. The prime minister says he will resign Monday.

The Alliance lost 31 seats in the 349-member Parliament, paving the way for the left-leaning Social Democrats to start coalition talks on forming a new government.

Still, those talks are going to be complicated. Even with the support of the smaller Green and Left parties, the Social Democrats’ bloc would only have 158 seats in Parliament, 17 short of a majority. It’s also unclear if Lofven can get any support from the center-right parties.


Far-right parties with an anti-immigration agenda have gained ground across Europe for more than a decade. Sweden was an exception until four years ago when the Sweden Democrats entered Parliament.

Born out of a radical nationalist movement with neo-Nazi links, the Sweden Democrats have softened their rhetoric and expelled openly racist members. On Sunday they surged from 20 to 49 seats to become the third biggest party in Sweden’s parliament. The Brussels-based European Jewish Congress called the vote a “wake-up call for Sweden and the rest of Europe.”

This year, Sweden expects to accept up to 80,000 asylum-seekers from Syria, Eritrea, Iraq and Afghanistan, among other countries. Relative to Sweden’s population, that’s the biggest flow in the 28-nation European Union.

Surveys show about 40 percent of Swedes want less immigration. Yet before the Sweden Democrats, no party in parliament wanted to tighten the rules.

The other parties see it as their moral duty to keep wealthy Sweden’s borders open to refugees fleeing war and poverty — and are likely to reach agreements across the political divide to keep the Sweden Democrats from having any influence on immigration.


It looks like Lofven will be in charge of a weak left-leaning minority government that’s going to struggle to push its agenda through parliament.

Lofven won’t reverse Reinfeldt’s most popular reforms, such as tax cuts for middle-income earners. The Social Democrats only want to raise taxes for people making more than $100,000 a year. But he has vowed to remove the tax breaks that made it cheaper for companies to hire young employees.

No dramatic shift in foreign policy is expected. Sweden, a member of the EU, will remain outside NATO and keep its krona instead of using the euro, the EU’s common currency.


Karl Ritter can be followed on Twitter at

Source Article from
Sweden's far-right rises amid immigration debate
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results

Sweden's far-right rises amid immigration debate

STOCKHOLM (AP) — A Swedish far-right party demanding sharp cuts in immigration has more than doubled its support in a parliamentary election.

Ironically, the surge for the far-right Sweden Democrats means the country’s government itself is poised to shift to the left, since many of the Sweden Democrats’ new voters defected from Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt’s center-right coalition. That left Stefan Lofven’s Social Democrats and its smaller partners as the top vote-getter in Sunday’s election.

Here’s a guide to Sweden’s shifting political situation:


Reinfeldt’s four-party coalition, known as the Alliance, is out after eight years of tax cuts and pro-market policies that critics say have eroded Sweden’s welfare system. The prime minister says he will resign Monday.

The Alliance lost 31 seats in the 349-member Parliament, paving the way for the left-leaning Social Democrats to start coalition talks on forming a new government.

Still, those talks are going to be complicated. Even with the support of the smaller Green and Left parties, the Social Democrats’ bloc would only have 158 seats in Parliament, 17 short of a majority. It’s also unclear if Lofven can get any support from the center-right parties.


Far-right parties with an anti-immigration agenda have gained ground across Europe for more than a decade. Sweden was an exception until four years ago when the Sweden Democrats entered Parliament.

Born out of a radical nationalist movement with neo-Nazi links, the Sweden Democrats have softened their rhetoric and expelled openly racist members. On Sunday they surged from 20 to 49 seats to become the third biggest party in Sweden’s parliament. The Brussels-based European Jewish Congress called the vote a “wake-up call for Sweden and the rest of Europe.”

This year, Sweden expects to accept up to 80,000 asylum-seekers from Syria, Eritrea, Iraq and Afghanistan, among other countries. Relative to Sweden’s population, that’s the biggest flow in the 28-nation European Union.

Surveys show about 40 percent of Swedes want less immigration. Yet before the Sweden Democrats, no party in parliament wanted to tighten the rules.

The other parties see it as their moral duty to keep wealthy Sweden’s borders open to refugees fleeing war and poverty — and are likely to reach agreements across the political divide to keep the Sweden Democrats from having any influence on immigration.


It looks like Lofven will be in charge of a weak left-leaning minority government that’s going to struggle to push its agenda through parliament.

Lofven won’t reverse Reinfeldt’s most popular reforms, such as tax cuts for middle-income earners. The Social Democrats only want to raise taxes for people making more than $100,000 a year. But he has vowed to remove the tax breaks that made it cheaper for companies to hire young employees.

No dramatic shift in foreign policy is expected. Sweden, a member of the EU, will remain outside NATO and keep its krona instead of using the euro, the EU’s common currency.


Karl Ritter can be followed on Twitter at

Source Article from
Sweden's far-right rises amid immigration debate
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results