Immigration Minister Scott Morrison uses border briefing to praise Indonesian cooperation

The Immigration Minister says he is sure Jakarta will continue with strong border protection measures because it is in Indonesia’s national interest.

Scott Morrison has used his weekly briefing on border protection to single out Indonesia for praise on its cooperative efforts to combat people smuggling.

His comments come after Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono this week suspended cooperation in the fight against people smuggling in response to revelations that Australia had spied on the president and his wife.

“Our partners, in particular Indonesia, have demonstrated over many years their commitment to tackling people smuggling through their leadership such as in the Bali Process,” Mr Morrison told reporters in Sydney.

“We continue to commend them on their efforts and restate our commitment to support those efforts in pursuit of our shared interests.”

Mr Morrison says there are serious issues for both nations to work through and further comment from him “would not assist” the national interest.

Border protection policy building ‘momentum’

He says “relationship issues” with Indonesia are being addressed by Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

During the briefing the Commander of Operation Sovereign Borders, Angus Campbell, was asked to comment on how the souring relationship with Indonesia would set back people smuggling efforts.

“I really think this is a matter, at the moment, for government and indeed leader to leader engagement,” Lieutenant General Campbell said.

“It’s not something that a military officer should comment on and certainly I have no interest in muddying the waters at this stage.”

Mr Morrison says “momentum” is building in the Government’s border protection policy and this month just four boats carrying less than 200 asylum seekers have been intercepted.

“November is traditionally a high-volume month for illegal boat arrivals to Australia, particularly as the monsoon season approaches,” he said.

He says last November there were more than 2,000 asylum seekers intercepted trying to reach Australia.

The Immigration Minister also stressed the cooperative efforts are not isolated to just one country.

“The positive progress of Operation Sovereign Borders is due to no single measure, or any single relationship or partner. They are all important.”

Assaults in offshore processing

The Immigration Minister is looking into two separate assault cases in offshore processing.

The Guardian Australia website has reported that a young male asylum seeker was raped by two other detainees.

Mr Morrison says any such allegations are always referred to local police.

“Any matter involving sexual assault is extremely serious – and not just sexual assault, but other forms of violence that may take place involving people who have come to Australia by this method,” he said.

A reporter has also raised a case involving a young boy who was allegedly assaulted on Nauru by a locally employed security guard.

Mr Morrison says there have not been any complaints made to authorities on the island.

“Any behaviour that was in that direction, well, that is completely intolerable and I’m seeking the appropriate assurances from those who run those operations.”

Boat tow silence

Mr Morrison says he would be assisting people smugglers if he commented on reports an asylum seeker boat sank after Australian authorities tried to tow it.

Media reports earlier this week suggested that a Customs boat had to rescue about 40 asylum seekers after it tried to tow the boat but the bow was torn.

The Government has not provided any details about what happened, but has confirmed 35 passengers and four crew was taken to Christmas Island on Sunday.

Mr Morrison says it is an on water operation and he will not be commenting.

“You will not find me coming to this podium or any other podium wherever it is giving people smugglers information that would assist them,” he said.

Detention contractor faces fraud allegations

Representatives of companies running immigration detention operations will travel to Canberra next week and face questions about international fraud allegations.

G4S is being investigated for overcharging the British government on a contract for tagging offenders.

Serco is also under investigation for its handling of government contracts.

Both companies have apologised for their actions, and G4S has offered to repay the UK Government more than $40 million.

The British investigations are not related to operations in Australia but Mr Morrison says they will be raised at next week’s meetings.

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Immigration Minister Scott Morrison uses border briefing to praise Indonesian cooperation
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