Immigration Reform Can Still Pass In 2014 During a Few Weeks This Spring

Even before the government shutdown was fully sorted out, President Obama declared that he’d be pushing to move on to immigration reform “the day after” Congress reached a deal. Months later, there’s been no progress, but there’s still hope that lawmakers will overhaul immigration laws in 2014 – if they can manage to get a vote in the short period after the primaries, but before the general election. Politico reports that filing deadlines for more than 80 percent of sitting House Republicans will have passed by the end of April, so in late spring, conservatives should be less concerned about taking flak on immigration from those in their own party. “For many members, they’d be more comfortable when their primaries are over,” said Republican Representative Darrell Issa.

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Immigration Reform Can Still Pass In 2014 During a Few Weeks This Spring
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