Lakeland Student, Immigrant Activist, Receives Full Scholarship to Sarah Lawrence

The Lakeland resident, a nationally known activist for immigrant rights, has received a full scholarship to Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, N.Y., the school she has dreamed of attending since she was a student at Harrison School for the Arts. Her enrollment for the fall semester marks a dramatic turnaround after two years of academic limbo.

“I’m one of the lucky 5 percent of undocumented youth who get to go to college,” said Hidalgo, 22. “It’s been a tremendous blessing and a dream to get to this point.”

Hidalgo’s parents brought her to the United States from Costa Rica when she was 6 months old. She graduated from Harrison in 2009 and attended Polk State College.

Though neither federal nor state law blocks undocumented immigrants from enrolling in colleges or universities, the students face difficulties. Some institutions require proof of citizenship. Illegal immigrants are ineligible for government scholarships or student loans and usually must pay international tuition rates, even in their states of residence.

Hidalgo enrolled at Polk State College and earned her associate of arts degree in 2011. She didn’t continue to another school because of financial factors and logistical barriers — at the time she wasn’t allowed to work legally or get a driver license.

“It was a very hard place to be for a while,” she said.

Hidalgo spent the past two years working for immigrant rights. She co-founded the Justice for Our Neighbors Immigration Clinic, a volunteer-led legal service for low-income residents. She serves on the boards of United We Dream, the nation’s largest youth-led immigrant organization, and the Florida Immigration Coalition.

“I think keeping active in this work is probably what kept me sane until I was able to move on with my life,” she said.

Hidalgo got good news last year when President Barack Obama announced a new federal policy, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status. Under that program, undocumented immigrants under age 31 who were bought to the country before age 16 and met certain other requirements became exempt from deportation and could apply for a two-year work permit.

Hidalgo received her work authorization in March, along with a modified Social Security card that allowed her to get a driver license.

“Just the weight you feel lifted off your shoulders is indescribable,” she said. “Just the tiniest things, like being able to go to the bank and show your ID, even being able to sign up for a gym membership — the tiniest things people don’t often think about … I’m constantly grateful because not everybody can do that.”

Last fall, Hidalgo was invited to take part in a panel at Sarah Lawrence College to discuss immigration issues. She said the invitation came through her connection with Sarah Lawrence student Kanika Mathur, a former Harrison schoolmate.

While on campus, Hidalgo visited the admissions department, and she said school officials encouraged her to apply. She said Lesley Chambers, director of student services at Harrison, assisted her with the application process.

The payoff came when Hidalgo learned she had been accepted and given a scholarship to the private college. She also received a grant from the Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund, a program that supports students working for social change.

“She is an exceptional young woman,” Chambers said. “She definitely deserves to be there, and I’m really happy for her.”

The scholarships are crucial. Sarah Lawrence ranks as the most expensive college in the country, according to CNN Money. Single-year costs for the last school year were about $61,000.

Hidalgo plans to study public policy and Spanish language and literature and hopes to attend law school later.

She said she learned about Sarah Lawrence while in high school but considered the school out of her reach.

“It’ll be more out of my comfort zone,” she said. “I doubt there are a whole bunch of undocumented people who attend that college.”

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Lakeland Student, Immigrant Activist, Receives Full Scholarship to Sarah Lawrence
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