Lawmakers expand immigrant rights

— California Democrats this year advanced an aggressive agenda to expand immigrant rights with support from a handful of Republicans intent on rebuilding the party’s image among Latinos that has suffered ever since the ferocious fight over Proposition 187 nearly two decades ago.

The Legislature has sent to the governor a number of bills affecting unauthorized immigrants, including marquee measures to allow them to obtain a driver’s license and to help prevent those arrested for minor crimes from being deported,

“It was a watershed year,” said Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana.

Republicans routinely drew praise from Democrats for supporting some of the bills. But the vast majority of Republicans opposed the bills for a variety of reasons, contending they rewarded people for illegal behavior and tied the hands of law enforcement.

Moreover, 15 GOP lawmakers sent a letter to Congress demanding that it enact long-stalled immigration reforms that would include a pathway to citizenship and more guest workers.

“As Republicans we believe in opportunity for all,” said Sen. Tom Berryhill, R-Fresno. “It’s time for us to put those words into action.”

Many of those signing the letter did not vote for the disputed measures.

There remains strong dissent in some quarters to the direction in state Capitol.

“California politicians have been tolerating, promoting, and encouraging illegal immigration for many years now. This is just the latest example of the political class in Sacramento trying to curry favor with various special interest groups for political advantage, “ said Peter Nunez, a former U.S. attorney in San Diego.

Still, the mood today is a far cry from 1994, when then-Gov. Pete Wilson, former mayor of San Diego, was propelled to re-election partly based his ability to tap into voters’ resentment toward unauthorized immigrants.

Wilson promoted passage of Proposition 187, written to block those here illegally from receiving most public services, including health care and schooling. Following a heated campaign, the initiative passed with a large majority, but it was later ruled unconstitutional by the courts.

Ironically, Wilson defeated Kathleen Brown, sister of California’s current governor. Jerry Brown has pledged to sign the driver’s license measure and is expected to approve most, if not all, of the immigrant rights bills on his desk. The legislative year ended Thursday and he has until Oct. 13 to act.

“A lot of these measures would be rendered moot if Congress would act,” said Sen. Anthony Canella, R-Ceres.

Canella said Republicans have to take reasonable steps or risk remaining in the minority. He said the party is still struggling to repair the damage done by Proposition 187.

“You can’t (quickly) erase 20 years of ignoring the issues,” he said.

Not all Republicans are ready to support new rights to those here illegally.

Assemblyman Brian Jones, R-Santee, was one of those who voted against most of the immigrant related bills. In addition to being against the policy in some cases, Jones said they represent a piecemeal approach by California when Congress should be leading the way on what he considers a federal issue.

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Lawmakers expand immigrant rights
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