His employer fires Juan A and tells him to tell his friends to make sure they don’t make the mistake HE made!
Juan A, now legally in the country, files for food stamps, welfare, free healthcare, etc…. then goes to work for another employer in the underground economy, this time using the name Juan X.
So now Juan is getting full benefits, he and his new employer are avoiding taxes, his new employer has taken over the customers his old employer had because being a legal employer now, he has to bid jobs at least 15% higher just to pay the FICA taxes!
AND Juan’s bringing home more take-home than before the “reform” since his new employer no longer has his old employer competing with him, is able to charge 10% more and still win the job, and hence can pay Juan 5% more.
Sweet, isn’t it: Juan has all the advantages of an unemployed citizen, has a full time job with no taxes, his employer is making more and still not paying taxes, their customer is paying more for the same service, the
politicians are receiving more “donations”, and the only people left out in the cold are those “fools”who obey the law (and by voting accordingly, continue to lose and wonder why.)
Oh… meanwhile Juan has sent instructions back to his cousins on how they can come over and now do TWICE as well stealing work from America!
DO NOT pass any reform without proven and strict enforcement! Anything more liberal than this will immediately swell the unemployment roles and increase the deficit.
Source Article from http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57610933/obama-house-has-votes-to-pass-immigration-reform/
Obama: House has votes to pass immigration reform
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results
immigration – Yahoo News Search Results