Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions defended Americans demanding better enforcement of immigration laws, and derided those who demean them.
“I have a message for the American people,” he said. “You have been right from the beginning. You have justly demanded that our borders controlled, our laws be enforced and that at long last immigration policy serve the needs of our own people first. For this virtuous and legitimate demand you have been demeaned, even scorned by the governing class.”
“They know so much this cosmopolitan elite,” he continued. “They want you to believe your concerns are somehow illegitimate — that you are wrong for being worried about your jobs, or your schools, or your communities, or your national security. These elite citizens of the world speak often of their concern about people living in poverty overseas and yet they turn a blind eye to the poverty and suffering in their own country.”
Sessions was urging Democrats to support a bill that would prevent President Obama from using executive action to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. The president has said he will do so following the midterm elections in November. (RELATED: Obama Promises Immigration Edict After Election)
Sessions slammed the lawyers and staffers working behind the scenes with the president to decide what action he will take. “You don’t get to sit in a room and rewrite the laws of this United States of America. No sir,” he said. “Congress writes the laws.”
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Sessions Defends Americans Who Demand Immigration Enforcement
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